Table of contents

On the 'My Library' page, you will find a comprehensive collection of all the titles you have subscribed to from Packt. This page allows you to easily view and access the titles that are included in your subscription.

Last accessed

The access history section in your library conveniently displays your previous reading progress, providing a quick way to resume where you left off without searching the book.

If you are logging in for the first time, you will see the Last Accessed section to be empty. Once you have read any title, this title will appear in the last accessed section during the subsequent access. The titles accessed in the last 30 days appear in this section.


All Content

In this section, you will find all the books that have been added to your personal collection. Each title will display a 'Read' or 'Start' button, depending on the content type (eBooks, videos, workshops). By clicking this button below each title, you can launch the reader and access the content. When you click on the cover image of any title, it will take you to the product overview page. Here, you have the option to mark the title as a favorite by clicking on the 🖤 icon located below the cover image. Titles that you mark as favorites will appear in the 'My Dashboard' tab for easy access.

In the library, you have the ability to filter books by category, concept, type, and publication year. You can also choose between a list or icon view, depending on your preference. In both views, you can sort the books using the following options:

You will be able to personalize the books in their "My Library" section. You can use various features such as highlights, underlines, notes, and sticky notes to personalize your reading experience. These features allow you to mark important passages, annotate key points, and add your own insights or comments.