Table of contents
The Explore section empowers you to seamlessly navigate through our extensive catalog, enabling you to discover and select new titles.
- On this page, you will find a search filter located on the left-hand side. The filter allows you to sort products into different groups according to their 'Product Type,' 'Category,' 'Author,' and 'Publishing Year.' By selecting the relevant filter, you can easily narrow down your search for eBooks and videos that match your specific needs.
- You will find the titles organized into topic categories. If you're unsure of what you're looking for but want to access content within a specific topic area, you can simply select that category. This allows you to navigate through products that are relevant to the chosen category. For instance, if you're interested in discovering books and videos related to AI or Machine Learning, you can easily select the "Data" category.
![The Explore page](
The Explore page
Exploring Categories
Web Development