Log in to Packt Learning

Your account manager will give you a ‘common user ID and password’ — once you have it, follow these steps:

  1. Visit https://learning.packt.com/home/login



  1. To log in, use the common user ID and password, and click “Login.” It’ll take you to the following window (see screenshot) that provides information about the limitations of the common user ID and prompts you to create a sub-user (or personal) account. You can either create a new account by clicking the “Register” button or log in to your existing account.


  1. Click on the “Login” button and enter your sub-user account credentials.


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Login Verification

To make sure you’re logged in, click on the user icon in the top-right corner and you should see the following details:

  1. Your company/university name
  2. Your name </aside>

If you don’t have a sub-user ID and password, follow the steps in the next section.

New User Login

Before you log in, check whether your institute admin has invited you to join the platform.

Received Joining Invitation